A Momentous Achievement: Food Fortification is now Mandatory in Zimbabwe! 

Food fortification is now mandatory in Zimbabwe.

With 72% of children under the age 6 being iron deficient, and 31% being anemic, access to nutritious foods in Zimbabwe is critical. For the first time, 14 million Zimbabweans will gain access to nutritious foods they deserve in order to improve immune systems and reduce illnesses to survive and thrive into the future.

PHC is proud to announce that after a high-level government meeting and much discussion,  the fortification law was approved. Laura Rowe, President of PHC, reported, “We have come a long way in Zimbabwe since seeking government buy-in and supporting standards drafting in 2013. It’s tremendous to see the ownership the government has taken over the program with this momentous step forward”

We are delighted to share with you that food fortification is now mandatory in Zimbabwe. With 72% of children under the age 6 being iron deficient, and 31% being anemic, access to nutirous foods in Zimbabwe is critical. For the first time, 14 million Zimbabwians will gain access to nutrious foods they deserve in order to improve immune systems, reduce illnesses to survive and thrive into the future.

This achievement will lead to a significant impact on the lives of millions of women and children throughout the country.

Proper intake of vitamins and minerals can mean the difference between a healthy, productive life, and a life fraught with illness, or worse premature death. A person’s chances of dying from measles or diarrhea are between 30 – 50%. With adequate micronutrient intake, this percentage can be lowered significantly due to the effects vitamins and minerals have on bolstering the immune system. PHC’s approach is to provide technical support to governments in the design and implementation of food fortification programs across developing countries to ensure access to nutritious foods for millions of people deserving it most.

We are all honored to be part of this important milestone for the people of Zimbabwe. Millions of families will now have the deserving access to fortified nutritious foods, and thus a chance for a healthier life.

Your support is crucial to ensure that all people can access the nutritious foods they deserve. Thank you to all our generous supporters.